Thursday, October 13, 2011

Prayer to Start the Day

Sunrise at Wrightsville Beach, NC
photo by Amy Hodges

I am not a morning person. At all. Seriously. My children have beaten me down and now I do wake up earlier than ever, but I am not happy about it. I struggle with my mood in the morning. I have realized that how I approach the morning hours has a significant impact on how my family's day starts. Several years ago, a good friend shared a beautiful prayer with me. The prayer comes from the Iona Community in Scotland (have I told you I'm a Presbyterian?) This is my prayer to start the day.

Eternal God
Throughout this day,
Enliven our minds,
Inspire our conversation,
Inform our decisions,
And protect those we love.
And should today bring
What we neither anticipate nor desire,
Increase our faith and decrease our pride
Until we know that,
When we face the unexpected,
 We do not stand alone.
Hear these prayers
Made in the presence and in the name
Of Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.

I hope that whatever you believe, your days start in an amazing way. Thank you to the lovely Amy-Kim KyremesParks for always sharing the love!


Real Life Sarah said...

I love you Amy. Thanks for sharing this!

Unknown said...

Right back at cha babe! Love you schmoopie!

Amanda@HighImpactMom said...

Love this. Thank you so so much. Just what I needed to pray today!

Amy @amymchodges said...

Thanks Sarah and Amanda! It's too good not to share! and Amy-Kim, what her name?? :-)

Cheri said...

Glad I didn't read this until now. Thank you, and Amy-Kim, for sharing...and for writing.