Showing posts with label Kodak. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kodak. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Kodak Big Apple Bus Tour

When I heard that Kodak was sponsoring a photo tour of New York City the day before BlogHer began, I was immediately intrigued.  I truly LOVE my Kodak Zi8 video camera.  That is the camera I use when I vlog (video blog).  As a new blogger, I did not receive many invitations to private parties that were happening at BlogHer.  I expected that because I am new, and unknown commodity to the people setting up these parties.  I made a few inquiries with Kodak and was put on a waiting list for the tour.  A little over a week before the conference, I received notice that there was space for me.  Hooray!  What better way to start my first visit to New York City than with a photo tour?!  Kodak sent us all their EasyShare M580 14 megapixel camera.  I was thankful to get the camera before the tour because it gave me a chance to learn the camera's features.

Kodak's EasyShare line makes uploading a breeze.  One of the new features is that when you are clicking through your pictures on your camera, you can tag them to be uploaded to specific destinations.  I can tag my pictures to go to the services I use, which for me is mainly Flickr and Facebook.  You can also tag the people in pictures, and you can tag them based on event.  I made a tag for pictures I might want to use on my blog so they will all go in the same file.  The EasyShare system does streamline the uploading process.

But back to the Big Apple Bus Tour!  When we arrived at Caroline's Comedy Club, the people from Kodak had arranged a refreshing lunch with awesome cupcakes decorated with the "Share" button!  We had a great lunch and were treated to a presentation on what's new and coming up at Kodak.

Kodak Presentation

After the presentation it was time to get on the bus.  I won't share all of my pictures, because I am not the best photographer, but here are a few highlights.

Get on the Bus
Getting on the bus, there were two buses of bloggers!

Times Square
Driving towards Times Square

Duane Reade
The ubiquitous Duane Read

The Other Bus of Bloggers!
The other bus of bloggers

No Soup for You
As a Seinfeld fan, I had to grab this shot!

different styles of architecture
The different styles of architecture were amazing.

a building in a building
A building in a building!

Hershey's/ M & M store
My kids were very interested in this one!

the yellow ones don't stop~buddy the elf
This just made me think of the movie, "Elf", "The yellow ones don't stop"

Old and New
The old and the new

I have more pictures that I will share later, but these felt like the best representations of that day.  Many thanks to Kodak for a great start to BlogHer.

Kodak furnished a camera, lunch and the tour at no cost to me.  The opinions expressed here will ALWAYS be my own.  Please see my disclosure page for further information.