Showing posts with label Wordless Wednesday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wordless Wednesday. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Happy Birthday Sweet Girl~Wordless Wednesday

Hooray for Disney!
photo by Amy Hodges 2006
Eleven years ago this delight came screaming into the world. Happy Birthday my sweet girl!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Swiffer at Blogher ~ Hanging out at the Space Bar

Lots of posts coming this week about Blogher and my review tomorrow of The Help, but a fun Wordless Wednesday picture today. Proctor and Gamble had the Dust Guy from their Swiffer commercial so I spent some time with him hanging out at the Space Bar, right between J and K.

hanging out at the space bar
photo from Swiffer

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Cinderella's Castle ~ Magic Memories and You ~ Wordless Wednesday

Magic Memories and You

I have been out of commission for a bit. Summertime is crazy with trips and navigating kids' schedules plus the last two weeks I had to work more than usual at my out of the house job! On top of that, I am going to be moving my blog to Word Press and that has required a significant amount of behind the scenes work. Blech. So tonight, instead of being productive I have been dreaming of my next trip to Walt Disney World (whenever that might be!) I took this picture on our last trip during the Magic Memories and You show on the castle. I was skeptical but it is extremely creative and cool.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

A Nod to Eeyore ~ Wordless Wednesday

From the 2011 Flower and Garden Festival in Walt Disney World, with a little nod to Eeyore 

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

A Population Explosion ~ My Not So Wordless Wednesday

A couple of weeks ago I posted a Wordless Wednesday about the new goslings. Then we went out of town for two weeks. Those geese grow very quickly.

even geese have an awkward stage

Sadly, nature had run its course and the family of seven goslings was down to five. But never fear, for while we were away, this family wandered up.

they have seven babies

We have NO IDEA where this little group was nesting. We try very hard to discourage them because the geese imprint with the place of their birth. It isn't a very big pond and we have so many geese now that think of it as home. The amount of goose poop in the pastures is ridiculous. When the geese produce more poop than the horses, you know you have a problem.
We reconciled ourselves to having two goose families this year. Then a couple of days ago my daughter said she thought she had seen another family. I thought she had to be mistaken, but...

new family
another family, this one with four goslings

This group had to have been in the woods nearby because these babies were brand new. We will have to come up with some new methods to discourage them next year but for now we will try to watch after them. You just cannot deny their cuteness.


And away we go

just here for the fish

Oh, and I think this guy is just here for the fish!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Wordless Wednesday 9/8/10 Walt Disney World

The Walt Disney World Mom's Panel will begin accepting applications for the 2011 panel on Monday, September 13th.  That's five days from now.  FIVE!  I have Disney on the brain.  I even saw a Mickey Mouse in the clouds today.  When I saw Resourceful Mommy's adorable Wordless Wednesday I thought I would put up a picture from one of my favorite trips to Walt Disney World.  This was in February of 2006 at Animal Kingdom and my parents are surrounded by all of their grandchildren.  

 If you have posted your own Wordless Wednesday, go to Resourceful Mommy and link up!  If you are applying to be on the Mom's Panel, good luck! Maybe we'll be on the panel together, after all, "a dream is a wish your heart makes!"