Wednesday, May 25, 2011

OPI Silver Shatter Vlog

When OPI came out with their Shatter line of nail polish I was intrigued. I love the effect it leaves. I was thrilled when I saw that the Pirates of the Caribbean On Stranger Tides line had a Silver Shatter and decided to try it. There is a reason I will pay good money for a manicure. I can do an acceptable job with my nails but it is far far far from perfect. With that warning in place, here is my attempt at using the Shatter product.

I was in no way compensated for this post, I just like the product!

Friday, May 20, 2011

The Muppets are Coming!

THE MUPPET Teaser One-Sheet

Pirates, Schmirates. The movie I am incredibly curious about right now? The Muppets. The last Muppet theater release was eleven years ago!! The new movie stars the Muppets, Jason Segal, Amy Adams and Chris Cooper. Segal not only stars in the movie but he cowrote it and is an executive producer. I love Jason Segal's work so I am interested to see what he does with the Muppets.  The movie opens November 23rd, the day before Thanksgiving. To keep up with the Muppets you can go to their Disney website, their Facebook page, or you can follow Muppets Studio on Twitter.

Since I have to wait until November for the Muppets, I am going to see Pirates of the Caribbean On Stranger Tides this weekend!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Pirates of the Caribbean ~ On Stranger Tides ~ with a Giveaway!

Jack Sparrow

Unless you have been living under a rock, you know that the latest installment in DIsney's Pirates of the Caribbean series is opening on May 20th. Johnny Depp returns to the role that seems to be custom made for him as Captain Jack Sparrow in "Pirates of the Caribbean On Stranger Tides." I am so excited for this movie to come out. When the first movie, "The Curse of the Black Pearl" came out, my kids were much younger and didn't appreciate the ghost pirates so much. Now the whole family is excited to see what is going to happen next. I am excited to see if Penelope Cruz holds her own with Depp, (I think she is more than up to that challenge!)

I don't do a lot of giveaways but I have so many friends who LOVE the Pirates movies that I couldn't pass this one up. The prizes are an adult "On Stranger Tides" T-shirt (size s-m-l or xl), a black bandanna and two temporary tattoos. 

pirates shirt
pirate bandanna
pirate tattoo

Entry is going to be EASY. To enter this giveaway, add one comment below in "pirate speak." Throw in a few Arrrghs and Mateys and you are entered once in the giveaway. The winner will be announced here, on the blog, on Tuesday May 17th at noon.

You want to enter more than once? Here's how, follow this blog either by email subscription, RSS feed or Google Friend Connect, leave another comment telling me that you are following. One more entry can be had by following me on Twitter @amymchodges, and be sure to leave a comment here. Oh, and these extra entries have to be in "pirate speak" too! Have fun and good luck!

**Giveaway is closed!**

And the winner is: um, let me see, Bradley Coxe! That quote truly deserves to win, Arrrgh