Friday, May 27, 2011

Food Bank Kids Summer Stock

food bank kids
I don't know about you, but I am so ready for summer. I am ready for my kids to be out of school and to have less of a rigid schedule. We have plans for vacations, the wedding of a wonderful friend, conferences to attend. We have so much to look forward to. Not everyone looks forward to summertime. In our area there are over 30,000 children who will not get three meals a day. Take a minute to let that digest. 30,000 children.
During the school year the majority of those children are served by our free or reduced cost breakfast and lunch programs. During the school year they can count on getting fed twice a day. During the school year. Now that school is almost out, a significant number of those children will be hungry. We are fortunate to have the Food Bank of Central and Eastern North Carolina serving our area. The Food Bank works diligently every summer to reduce the number of children going without meals. The Food Bank is wonderful but they cannot do it without our help.
kids summer stock
The Kids Summer Stock campaign tries to make sure that families have access to food. Over the past three years the Summer Stock program has provided over 4 million meals. The program will run from June 2nd until July 15th. The question I am hoping you are asking yourself is "how can I help?" and I have an answer for you.

  • Donate. Pick up a few extra things at the grocery store. See what staple goods are on sale and add a few to your cart for the Food Bank.
  • Hold a Food Drive Organize a food drive of your own. Reach out to summer camps, your church and your neighborhood. It's easier than you think to put one together!
  • Spread the Word I didn't realize the extent of the hunger problem until I got involved with the Food Bank. Get informed and tell people. Tell your neighbors, your Facebook friends and your Twitter friends.
sm mixer

One last thing you can do? If you are in the Wilmington, NC area you can join us next Thursday, June 2nd for a Social Media Mixer at Zoe's Kitchen in Mayfaire. The mixer will start at 6pm and go until 8pm, but if you eat at Zoe's anytime from 4pm to 9pm a percentage of your bill will go to the Kids Summer Stock program. If you bring food to donate, you will be given a raffle ticket. The Food Bank usually comes up with some fun prizes for their mixers! 
If you don't live in this area, please find out what you can do in your area. Unfortunately there are children going without meals all over our  country. We might not be able to solve some of the world's problems, but we can reduce the number of children without access to food. 

Images and information provided by the Food Bank of Central and Eastern North Carolina. I am honored to serve as a Social Media Ambassador for the Food Bank CENC. 

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

OPI Silver Shatter Vlog

When OPI came out with their Shatter line of nail polish I was intrigued. I love the effect it leaves. I was thrilled when I saw that the Pirates of the Caribbean On Stranger Tides line had a Silver Shatter and decided to try it. There is a reason I will pay good money for a manicure. I can do an acceptable job with my nails but it is far far far from perfect. With that warning in place, here is my attempt at using the Shatter product.

I was in no way compensated for this post, I just like the product!

Friday, May 20, 2011

The Muppets are Coming!

THE MUPPET Teaser One-Sheet

Pirates, Schmirates. The movie I am incredibly curious about right now? The Muppets. The last Muppet theater release was eleven years ago!! The new movie stars the Muppets, Jason Segal, Amy Adams and Chris Cooper. Segal not only stars in the movie but he cowrote it and is an executive producer. I love Jason Segal's work so I am interested to see what he does with the Muppets.  The movie opens November 23rd, the day before Thanksgiving. To keep up with the Muppets you can go to their Disney website, their Facebook page, or you can follow Muppets Studio on Twitter.

Since I have to wait until November for the Muppets, I am going to see Pirates of the Caribbean On Stranger Tides this weekend!